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Francis Ambrose Hanks (Grandpa's great grandfather))
Born Jan 24, 1861 - Horsley Parish, Gloucestershire, England
Married: ?Sarah Alice Higgins in 1872. She died in 1934
Died March 5, 1940 in Salem, Utah
Francis Ambrose Hanks ; Utah; Deseret News; 7 March 1940
Francis Ambrose Hanks, 79, a member of the Palmyra State High Council and prominent as a Church and civic worker of this community, died at home Wednesday at 2:30 a.m. apparently from a heart attack.
He was born in Gloucestershire, England, Jan. 24, 1861, a son of George and [Eliza] Jane Davis Hanks. The family came to Utah in 1870 and moved directly to Salem where he has spent the rest of his life, with the exception of time spent in the mission field.
He married Matilda Sheen, Jan. 19, 1882, in the Salt Lake Endowment House.
He has been a high councilman since 1922, three years from 1922 to 1924, in the Nebo Stake when the Salem Word belonged to that state and since that time in the Palmyra Stake when the division was make in 1924. Before that time he was in the ward bishopric for 12 years from 1900 to 1912. He has served in every executive position in the ward M. I. A. and has served on five missions, three of them here at home and two abroad, in the Eastern and North-western States Missions.
He is survied by his widow and the following children: Mrs. Zenettie Beddoes, Mrs. Othelia Taylor, Mrs. Louise Taylor, David A., Heber G., Joseph E., and Ernest C. Hanks, all of Salem and Mrs. Matilda Haskell of Payson, also 33 grandchildren and 10 great-grandchildren.
Funeral services will be held Sunday at 2 p.m. in the Salem Ward chapel under the direction of Bishop Ray Davis.
Interment will be in the Salem City Cemetery, Utah. Obituary Image